Twomlows believe that it is important that throughout what can be a long and involved process you have a solicitor (not a para-legal or an unqualified advisor) personally handling your case; a solicitor you can contact personally and easily. We find that face to face discussion can dispel many understandable concerns, and make the process simpler. We will then know your aims as well as your concerns and reservations, and you will know what is going to happen and understand the process.
The vast majority of the cases we undertake are settled on good terms without the necessity to go to Court, often without even having to start the Court process. If you are unsure whether your case has a realistic chance of success – just ask, and make an appointment for a discussion. We are happy to take on cases on a “No Win, No Fee” basis, more properly called a Conditional Fee arrangement, the condition being that if you do not succeed then you do not pay us, but if you win and receive damages then you pay an agreed percentage uplift of the costs of the case which are paid to us by the opposition, a sum which is capped so that it cannot exceed 25% of the damages. It therefore follows that if we undertake the case you are guaranteed to receive at least 75% of the damages awarded, and almost always the percentage is considerably greater.
Please also remember that as we undertake Conditional Fee work we do not charge for the initial discussions as to the chances of success and taking the case on. So, if you have been involved in any type of accident and been injured then you have absolutely nothing to lose by discussing it with our lawyers – you then decide how to proceed.
Twomlows Solicitors and Advocates is the trading name of Twomlows Ltd
which is registered in England and Wales under number 06600174
A list of directors is available at the registered office 20 Newport Road, Caldicot NP26 4BQ
Twomlows Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) No 653973
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